What matters are excluded?

  • Any pre-existing matter that occurs prior to your policy being effective.
  • Any legal matter not specifically listed as a covered legal service.
  • Legal services for the benefit of any person other than an insured.
  • Legal services in class actions, punitive damages, court appeals, matters handled under a contingency fee arrangement, or post judgements (settlement agreement signed by all parties, final binding arbitration, judgment issued by a court)
  • Any action, dispute or proceeding against:
    • Our interest, or that of any affiliated companies related to the underwriting or administration of this policy and any of their respective agents, an insured against the interests of the name insured under the same policy.
  • Attorney fees arising out of a business ownership, investment interests, commercial interests, employment matters, and patents and copyrights.
  • Fines, penalties, punitive damages, filing fees, court-ordered payments of attorney fees, court costs, service of process fees, travel, clerical, copy fees, postage, and any other costs and expenses not specified.

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